Widely used in fraud and insider threat incidents, FACT360 can act as an early warning system to identify risks as they arise but also be used to find key evidence during an investigation into a specific event.
Utilising unsupervised machine learning means users do not need to actively search, or even know the potential topics of interest. The technology identifies anomalies and exceptional activity and users are alerted to `unknown-unknown’ incidents as they arise.

Identify subtle behavioural changes in communication networks

Alerting users to `unknown-unknown’ risks, as they arise

Uncover admissible evidence

“PreDISCOVERY+ points us in the right direction without us knowing where we want to go. It makes us more efficient, meaning we can consider more disclosure data than ever.“
Get in touch
If you would like further information please send us a message.
24 Picton House
Hussar Court
Hampshire, PO7 7SQ
Registered Company No. 12503049
[email protected] or +44 (0)1483 667757